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Color-Logic adds 30 new metallic gold colours

June 3, 2021  By PrintAction Staff

Color-Logic has more than doubled the number of metallic gold colours available to its licensees. The new additions bring the total number of Color-Logic metallic colours to 280.

“Manufacturers of digital presses are beginning to offer silver and gold inks and toners to complement traditional CMYK inks and toners. But without Color-Logic, digital printers are limited to a single gold colour, while Color-Logic licensees can offer their customers 55 different gold options. And these golds can not only be used as spot colours in designs, but in the many embellishment options offered by Color-Logic as well. Digital press owners using the Color-Logic System no longer need to waste precious production time swapping out silver ink or toner to run gold,” said Color-Logic sales and marketing director Mark Geeves.


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