
Installations News
Friesens acquires Timsons Press

February 3, 2023  By PrintAction Staff

Friesens invests in a new Timsons Press, which is scheduled to arrive in 2024.

Friesens presently operates two Timsons presses, a T32 and a T48, which have been workhorses in their single colour product line. Sadly, Timsons ceased production in 2015.

The new press is the first one manufactured by a joint venture between Timsons Engineering and CPI Corporation. The joint venture was specifically created with the intention to build Timsons presses again.


Upgrades to the press include a new oil lubrication system in the print unit that allows for a 16 per cent increase in speed, a new lightweight titanium chopper knife folder, new Baldwin impact Fusion blanket washing system and state-of-the-art drives, motors, and a new operating software.

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