
Headlines News
MPIA holds 2018 Name in Print awards

November 3, 2018  By PrintAction Staff

Photos: Manitoba Print Industry Association

On October 17, the Manitoba Print Industry Association (MPIA) held its 6th annual Name in Print awards, recognizing companies and individuals for their contributions to the print community.

Congratulations to the following award recipients!

Training and Development: Dave’s Quick Print
The Training and Development award is given in recognition of a company/organization/individual that has demonstrated excellence in training. The company/organization not only encourages its employees in life-long leadership, but also supports them in their journey.

Investment in Youth: Friesens Corp.
The Investment in Youth Award recognizes a company’s commitment to the future of the Manitoba print industry through its actions in attracting, recruiting and retaining Manitoba’s youth population.


Milestone: Hignell Book Printing (110 years)
The Milestone Award is given in recognition of a company’s history to merit such recognition. Specific examples include a milestone anniversary or company achievement.

Builder: Bob Harvie (Prolific Group)
The Builder Award recognizes the contributions of an individual or group that has made a significant contribution to the infrastructure of the Manitoba Print Industry Association for the benefit of the entire membership and in the interests of the provincial print industry.

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